The care extended to my son during his stay at FortySeven Main was extraordinary… the staff combined to offer him a restorative and highly beneficial experience which has carried over well after his leaving the program. Certainly the encouragement, stimulation and role modeling which you provided made a deep and I trust, lasting impression on him. I cannot thank you enough… for opening up doors of kindness to him, ministering to his individual needs and structuring a unique tailored therapeutic environment for his path to recovery.
I have tremendous respect for your agency, in particular the culture of respect for all that has been developed, the palpable sense of pride and ownership everyone contributes, which’makes it a wonderful place to be, the inclusion of residents into the community, and the clear and appropriate daily schedules for staff and residents. It is one of the best examples of ‘therapeutic community’ I have seen. You could teach others and us about how you do this.
During the past ten years as I have been all over the country with my son I have met many people in the field of mental health. You definitely stand at the top both in your expertise as well as your true caring to the people you work with.
Dedicated is the important word here I think, unstinting dedicated care. Based on firm beliefs in the need for us to serve, to be wholly available and attentive to other people and that each person is valued and important. We were fortunate to have found you.